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Text File
1,159 lines
* *
* *
* B O O K L I B R A R I A N *
* Version *
* 2.16 *
* *
* User's Guide *
* *
* by *
* *
* Lemuel D. Turner *
* TurboSystemsCo *
* P.O. Box 965368 *
* Marietta, Ga. 30066 *
* 770-516-8575 *
* 770-591-4988(FAX) *
(C) Copyright 1991-1995 Lemuel D. Turner
(C) Copyright 1991-1995 TurboSystemsCo
____|__ | (R)
--| | |-------------------
| ____|__ | Association of
| | |_| Shareware
|__| o | Professionals
-----| | |---------------------
|___|___| MEMBER
(C) Copyright 1991-95 TurboSystemsCo and Lemuel D. Turner for this
software, documentation, and user interface. Marietta, Ga. United
United States of America. All rights reserved.
TurboSystemsCo grants you without charge the right to reproduce,
distribute and use copies of this "shareware" version of our
BOOK LIBRARIAN software product (including the on disk
documentation), on the express condition that you do not receive
any payment, commercial benefit, other consideration for such
reproduction or distribution, or change this license agreement or
copyright notice. *(Shareware distributors, user's groups and BBSs
may charge a distribution/copy fee as long as the shareware distri-
bution/marketing concept is explained)* Use of the program without
registration is limited to 45 days. After 45 days of use the
program *must* be registered or removed from your computer system.
P.O. Box 965368
Marietta, Ga. 30066
By sending in your payment, along with your name, mailing address
version number, and where you heard about the BOOK LIBRARIAN
product and obtained your copy, your copy of BOOK LIBRARIAN
will be registered with us. This will enable you to receive (1)
technical support, (2) announcements of future releases, the latest
version, (3) a printed manual and discounts on additional programs
from TurboSystemsCo. (4) The ability to change the Report Headings.
This software may not be reversed-engineered or disassembled,
and includes certain trade secrets and confidential information
of TurboSystemsCo.
BOOK LIBRARIAN is a trademark of TurboSystemsCo.
< i >
Introduction ............................................. 1
Features ................................................. 1
System Requirements ...................................... 2
Disk Back-Up ............................................. 2
Getting Started
Installing Book Librarian ................................ 3
DOS Installation/Start-Up ............................ 3
Windows 3.1 Installation/Start-Up..................... 3
Windows 95 Installation/Start-Up...................... 3
Hard Disk System ..................................... 4
Printer Set-up ....................................... 4
Data Entry
Data Entry Screen ......................................... 5
Command Menu .......................................... 5
Edit Keys ............................................. 6
Keyboard and Mouse Usage .............................. 6
Data Operations ........................................... 7
Adding Records ........................................ 7
Data Entry Fields .................................. 8
Editing Records ....................................... 8
Deleting Records ...................................... 8
The Find Function ......................................... 8
List Book Window ...................................... 10
The Browse Function ....................................... 11
The Search Function ....................................... 11
Query Screen Fields ................................... 11
Reports ................................................... 12
Report Type Menu ...................................... 12
List To Menu .......................................... 12
List All .............................................. 13
Sort By Menu .......................................... 13
Spacing Menu .......................................... 13
Report Formatter .......................................... 13
Formatter Fields ...................................... 13
Wrap Example .......................................... 14
Re-Index Corrupt Files .................................... 14
Copyright Enforcement ......................................... 15
< ii >
TurboSystemsCo has a strong commitment to customer support. We
provide technical support only to registered users. However if
you should experience problems getting the program to run on
your systems prior to registering, we will attempt to resolve
those problems.
Lemuel D. Turner the owner and president of TurboSystemsCo and
the author of Book Librarian is a member of the Association of
Shareware Professionals. While we don't think you'll ever need
it, by Mr. Turner's membership in the Association of Shareware
Professionals, registered users have an additional avenue to
resolve customer support disputes if they can not be resolved to
the registered user's satisfaction. See statement below:
Lemuel D. Turner is a member of the Association of Shareware
Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware
principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a share-
ware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting that mem-
ber directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can help
you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does not
provide technical support for member's products. Please write the
ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon Mi. 49442-9427 or send a
Compuserve message via easyplex to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536.
Version 2.xx Changes
Listed below are the changes made in this release. The Introduction
has been updated with the changes but the rest of the manual has not.
The printed and bound manual that comes with the registered version
has the changes incoporated.
1. A new menu item File has been added to Command Menu (pp5). The File
menu displays a drop down menu with 7 menu items explained below:
----------- -----------------------------------------------------
Open/New Allows you to open a file previously created, or to
create a new file. Displays the File Selection Screen.
Set Index The program uses 7 index fields, title, author, sub-
ject, type, record#, catalog # and tag. The index
selected determines the order books are displayed when
the Next, Prev, Last and Top menu items are selected.
Select Printer See Printer Installation (pp4).
Book Count Totals the number of books in the file.
Set Scr Save Displays a screen to alter the delay before the screen
saver appears. Valid entries are 0 - 600 seconds.
Enter 0 the disable the screen saver.
Untag All Untags all tagged records, ie change tag to "N".
Calendar Displays a pop-up calendar. Can also be activated when
in a date field, by pressing the [PgUp] key.
2. Browse deleted from the Command Menu -- Browse duplicated function-
ality found in the FIND menu item.
3. Nine new data entry fields were added to the data entry screen (pp8).
Rec# An automatically incrementing nummeric field, also
can be used as the accession number.
Sub2, Sub3 Holds the second and third subject areas of the book
if applicable.
Cond Use to hold the book condition, good, worn etc.
Value Holds the present or appraised value of the book.
Borrower (f) Holds the first name of the borrower.
Borrower (l) Holds the last name of the borrower.
Due Date The return date for a borrowed book.
< iv >
Version 2.0 Changes -cont
Tag Tag is a special field use to select individual records
for printing. It can not be edited like the other fields.
Press [F9] to toggle the field to 'Y' for printing.
Press [F9] again to toggle the field back to 'N'. You
would not normally use this feature to print out your
complete list of books. You would probably use this
feature to select books to print that have been updated
or recently added. After tagging the books you want to
print, Select Reports, then the report type, where to
list the report, then Select All, then for Sort By use
TAG. Only the tagged books will be printed. After the
books are printed, select Untag All from the File Menu.
This will prevent the items from being printed again.
There are other uses for the field than selecting books
for printing. You could also use it to tag books that
are on loan. I'm sure you can come up with many
addition uses for the field.
4. Five new Report Types have been added to the Report Selection Screen
(pp 12).
Subject-2 Can be listed to the screen, printer or disk. Report
Fields are: Subject, Subject2, Subject3 and Title.
Library Cards Similar to the 3 x 5 index cards, but printed in
library format.
Labels Prints information on 3 1/2 x 15/16 continous form
labels. Laser/Inkjet labels are not supported. Lists
Title, Catalog#, ISBN, Record#.
Borrower List Borrower, Title, Catalog#, ISBN, Record#, and
Due Date.
Overdues Identical to above, but only list those past the Due
The memo report is not new but has been modified to print multiple
records per page instead of one record per page.
Subject-1 is the same as the old Subject report.
5. Three new indexes have been added: (1)Record#, (2)Catalog# and
6. You can now search for data in the memo field, using the CT operator,
7. Can now directly edit any field, by pressing the ALT key and the
highlighted letter in the field name. Now for example if you want to
make a change in the memo field, you can press ALT M and jump directly
to the memo field, whereas previously you had to go through all the
fields to get to the memo field.
< v >
Version 2.0 Changes -cont
8. A pop-up calendar has been added that can be accessed when in date
fields by pressing the [PgUp] key. Or it can be accessed any time
from the file menu.
9. The size of the memo field is doubled from earlier versions, can now
hold 60 lines of information. The length of the author and title
fields were increased.
10. The primary index is now user selectable.
11. Now supports laser printer index cards.
12. Can now switch datafiles without exiting the program.
BOOK LIBRARIAN is an easy to use book database management system.
It is ideal for managing a personal, professional, church, club,
or business library. You can quickly search your library by Title
Author, Subject or Book type. Can print reports to the screen,
printer or disk file.
- Holds 25 Information Fields About Each Book
-- Title, Author (first & last), Subjects(3), Book Type, Edition,
Pages, Copyright Year, Catalog #, ISBN, Purchase Date, Price,
Publisher, Location, Note1, Note2, Borrower (first & last),
Rec/Accesssion#, Condition, Tag, Value, Due Date.
-- A memo field that can hold up to 60 lines of information about
each title.
- Database Management Functions.
-- File, Next, Prev, Find, Top, Last, Edit, Add, Del, Search,
Report, Quit
- Reports
-- Thirteen fixed format reports, plus a self design report.
--- Reports may be printed to screen, printer or disk text file.
--- Can print on continous form 3 X 5 cards or laser 3 x 5 cards
- Context Sensitive Help
-- Press F1 to bring up a relevant help screen at any point in
the program.
- Mouse Support
- Screen Saver
-- A built-in screen saver activates when the keyboard is not used
at a user customizable interval.
- Find/Browse Windows
-- Moveable, scrollable, resizeable
- Find any Title, Subject, Author, Book Type, Rec#, Catalog#, or Tag
in approximately 1 second or less.
- Search database on any combination of fields.
- Can hold over 2 billion titles, approximately 600 on a 360k floppy
if memo field is not used. Memo field only uses disk space if the
field is used.
=============================== 1 ==============================
To use BOOK LIBRARIAN you will require:
IBM PC/XT/AT PS/2 or Compatible.
At least 512k of memory.
Hard Drive or 720K+ floppy
Monochrome or Color Monitor
Printer (capable of print in compressed mode to use
all the features of the program).
MS-DOS/PC-DOS 2.1 or higher.
Supports both keyboard and mouse input.
Your CONFIG.SYS file must have the statement, FILES=35. If the
number is greater than 35 that's okay. Refer to your DOS manual
if you are not familiar with the CONFIG.SYS file. The automatic
installation program will check and make the reguired changes if
you desire.
Please make a backup copy of the program disk. If required,
please refer to your DOS manual for back-up procedures.
=============================== 2 ================================
Book Librarian is a dos program but is compatible with Win 3.1 and Win
95. The program comes with two installation routines. One to install the
program strickly as a dos application. The other routine will install the
program to be run from a program group from Win 3.1 or Windows 95.
1. Insert the Book Librarian disk in the A or B drive as applicable.
2. Type A:\INSTALL or B:\INSTALL as applicable.
3. Follow the on screen instructions.
NOTE: If you downloaded the program from a BBS, after unzipping the
program, change to the directory where you unzipped the program and type
INSTALL and follow the on screen instructions.
To start the program after installation change to the directory where you
installed the program (normally C:\BOOK) and type BL and press the
enter key. To get to the correct directory type the following:
Press the ENTER key after each line above.
1. Start Windows and the Program Manager
2. Choose File|RUN
3.Type A:\SETUP.EXE or B:\SETUP.EXE as applicable. Answer yes to install
icons in the Program Manager when asked.
NOTE: If you downloaded the program from a BBS, after unzipping the
program choose FILE|RUN and type the drive and path where the file is
located followed by SETUP.EXE. For example: C:\TEMP\SETUP.EXE and follow
the instructions. Or double click SETUP.EXE from the file manager.
To start the program, click the TurboSystemsCo DOS Apps group, then double
click the Book Librarian icon. Press ALT+ Enter key to switch between
full screen and a dos window.
1. From Windows 95 Click the Start button, point to Settings, then click
the Control Panel.
2. On the Control Panel, double click Add/Remove programs.
3. Follow the on screen instructions. Answer yes to install icons to the
program manager when asked.
To start the program, click the start button, then Programs, then
TurboSystemsCo DOS Apps then double click the Book Librarian icon.
Press ALT+ Enter key to switch between full screen and a dos window.
================================= 3 ================================
Press the space bar to bypass the shareware registration screen. Next
the File Selection Screen is displayed. All Book Librarian datafiles
end with the extension .BLF. You should see SAMPLE3.BLF and
MYFILE3.BLF. SAMPLE3.BLF is a sample file that you can use to quickly
examine the many program features. MYFILE2.BLF is an empty file that
you can use to start entering your own data. To select one of the
files, place the cursor (white bar) over one of the files and press
the Enter key.
To create a datafile press the F2 function key while still on the
File Selection Screen. Enter a file name without an extension
when prompted.
To select a data file on a different drive, press the control key
and the drive letter. For example to select a data file on drive
B, press the control key and the letter B together.
The first time you use Book Librarian or if you change printers,
you must install your printer for use with Book Librarian. To
install your printer, select U)til from the Main Menu. Then
select S)elect Printer from the next menu. The menu will display
five selections. (1) Epson and Compatibles, (2) IBM Proprinter and
Compatibles, (3) HP Laser Series II/III/IV and Compatibles,
(4) HP Deskjet 500/550C, (5) Cannon BJC-600 and Compatibles,
(6) Generic, (7) TSC Printer.
To select a printer, select the highligted letter or use the arrow
key to move the cursor over the printer and press RETURN/ENTER.
Most non-laser and some laser printers are compatible with the Epson
or IBM ProPrinter. If your printer is not an Epson or IBM Proprinter
check your manual, it is probably compatible with one or both.
Select the appropiate printer. If you have a laser printer, select
the HP Laser printer.
If your printer will not work with any of the first five selections
then you should select the Generic Printer. When you use the Generic
printer printer control codes are sent to your printer. You will
not be able to print the Comprehensive and Index Cards unless you
manually place your printer in compressed mode prior to starting the
report. Also the headings will not be printed in bold.
The final selection (7) TSC, is used to load a custom driver for your
printer created by TurboSystemsCo. If none of the first three
will work with your printer then contact TurboSystemsCo. We may be
able to construct a driver for you. Please provide the manufactuer
and model number.
If you select one of the printers and the reports don't print
correctly, always reset or turn your printer off then back on
prior to trying another selection. NOTE: Laser, Deskjet and
the Cannon printers cannot print index cards in this version.
================================= 4 =================================
After the File Selection Screen is displayed, the Main Data Entry
Screen is displayed. The screen contains 25 data entry fields, 1
memo field and the Command Menu.
The Command Menu provides Book Librarian with a selection of easy to
use database management functions. Each menu item can be selected by
pressing the highlighted letter, or by using the arrow keys to place
the cursor over an item and pressing ENTER, or by using the mouse.
The function of each menu item is provided below:
------- --------------------------------------------------------
Next Displays the next book title in alphabetical order.
Prev Displays the previous book title in alphabetical order.
Find Use this feature to rapidly locate any Title, Author,
Subject, or Book Type.
Top Displays the first book in Title index order.
Last Displays the last book in Title index order.
Edit Edit the book currently displayed on the screen.
Add Add a new book to the library file.
Del To delete the book displayed on the screen.
Search Displays the Search Selection Screen. Search the lib-
rary file using multiple selection criteria. Matches are
displayed on the Data Entry Screen.
Browse Allows you to display the book records in tabular for-
mat in a browse window, scroll through the records
indexed by Title, Author, Subject or Book Type.
Rpt Displays the report selection screen.
Quit Exits Book Librarian.
F1 Displays context sensitive help about menu items or data
entry fields. The F1 key is not displayed.
Alt+'V' Pressing the ALT key and pressing 'V' will display a
screen to alter the delay before the screen saver.
Valid entries are 5 to 600 seconds. Enter 0 to turn
screen save off.
ESC The same as Quit, also Alt+'X' has same function.
Copy Add a new item, but copy fields currently displayed.
F3 Flushes data stored in memory to disk.
================================= 5 =================================
The edit key listed below are in effect when entering data into the
Main Data Screen and other screens where data can be entered.
--------- --------------------------------------------------------
F1 Displays help screen.
F2 Displays file name field on Data File Selection Screen.
F5 The field is deleted from the cursor position to the end
of the field and the cursor is placed back at the left
margin of the field.
F10 The key is used to end editing. If on the main data entry
screen, the data is written to a data file. On other
screens, control will be returned to the menu.
ESC Key is used to exit from data entry while using the Add
or Edit functions. The changes made to the data entry
screen are canceled.
ENTER Pressing ENTER/RETURN while in a data entry field ends
edit of the field and moves the cursor to the next field.
BACKSPACE Causes the cursor to move to the left and erases the char-
acter to the left.
INS Toggles between insert and overwrite of characters.
DEL Deletes the character under the cursor.
UP ARROW Moves the cursor to the previous field if not in the first
DN ARROW Moves the cursor to the next field on the screen.
L ARROW Moves cursor to left within a field. Does not delete
R ARROW Moves cursor to right within a field. Does not delete
Book Librarian can use both the keyboard and a mouse or a combi-
nation of both. There are three direct equivalences between the
mouse and the keyboard.
* The left mouse button is exactly equal to the ENTER key.
* The right mouse button is exactly equal to the Esc(ape) key.
* The left and right button pressed together, (or the middle
button in a three button mouse) is exactly equal to the F1 Key.
================================= 6 =================================
This section describes how to add, edit and delete records.
Adding a record is the process of typing information into blank data
entry fields.
To add a record to your book file select Add from the Command Menu
by pressing A, or by using the mouse or arrow keys to highlight Add
and pressing left mouse button or pressing the ENTER/RETURN key.
Data entry begins with the Title field (top left) and proceeds left
to right, top to bottom. At the bottom of the screen is the
Memo area.
You can enter up to 30 lines of information in the memo field. The
This is a memo field is like a mini-wordprocessor, all edit keys
work and words are automatically wrapped at the end of a line.
NOTE: The memo field only uses space in the database if you enter data
in it. The program allocates space in increments of 255 bytes.
Saving the book information to disk is accomplished by pressing the
F10 function key. If you press ESC or the right mouse button while
in any field, the information is erased and is not stored on disk.
You can use the up/down arrow keys and or the mouse to revisit any
field and edit the information prior to pressing F10 or ESC. If in
the memo field, you must press CTRL+PAGE-UP to exit the memo field
and move back up to the note field.
================================= 7 =================================
Each record in the book file contains the following fields.
Field Contents
------------ --------------------------------------------------
Title Holds the book title, up to 43 characters. This
is the primary index field. The first 20 characters
are indexed.
Edition Enter the book edition number, 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc.
Subject Enter the general subject of the book, mathmatics,
computers, etc. An index field.
Type Enter the type of book, Childrens, Medical, Text,
How To, Catalog etc. An index field.
Pages Enter the number of pages contained in the book.
Author(last) Holds the last name of the author, an index field.
Author(first) Holds the first name of the author.
Copyright Enter the year the book was copyrighted.
Price Enter the price paid for the book or current value.
Pur Date Enter the date the book was bought or obtained.
Cat # Enter Dewey Decimal system #, or your own numbering
system to identify book.
ISBN Enter the 14 digit ISBN.
Publisher Enter the name of the books publisher.
Location Enter the location of the publisher or can hold the
physical location of the book.
Note1 Can hold miscelleaneous information.
Note2 Sames as note1.
MEMO 30 line scrollable memo area. Can be used to enter
a synopsis, review or other information.
To edit a record select Edit from the menu by pressing E or by using
the arrow keys or the mouse. This function allows you to make changes
to the record displayed on the screen.
After you completed making changes to a field or fields, press F10
and the changes are saved to your book file.
================================= 8 =================================
If you decide while editing the record that you don't want to save
the changes, press the ESC key and the changes will be erased and the
old information restored.
To delete the record displayed select the Del function from the com-
mand menu. A prompt is displayed to confirm deletion of the record.
Answer Yes to delete the record.
There are two methods provided in the program to search your data-
base, the FIND key and the SEARCH key. The BROWSE key also lets
you look at your database in tabular format and is also explained
in this section. The FIND function is quicker and easier to use
but the Search function allows more complex searches.
The FIND key rapidly locates a book by Title, Author(last name),
Subject or Book Type.
When you select FIND from the command menu a pop-up menu with the
following choices is displayed: Title, Subject, Type, Author.
Select one of the choices from the menu or press ESC to return to
the Command Menu. If you select Title, the following prompt is
Enter Title To Find or ENTER/RETURN For All _________________
A similar prompt is displayed for the other choices if selected.
The prompt above allows you to specify a string to search for, or
just press ENTER/RETURN. If you press ENTER/RETURN key without
entering a search string, then the data file is displayed indexed
by the selected choice in the List Book Window. The cursor will
be placed at the beginning of the file.
If a search string is entered, the data file is displayed in the
List Book Window and the cursor is placed on the first record
that matches the search string. If the search string is not found
then a prompt displays saying An Exact Match Not Found and the
cursor is placed on the record that comes closest to matching the
string entered.
================================= 9 ================================
When using the FIND function the data base is displayed in a pop-
up List Book Window. You can use the arrow keys, mouse, Tab and
Page-Up and Page Down keys to scroll through the data base. The
Tab key moves the cursor right 10 characters, Shift+Tab moves the
cursor left 10 characters. The Page Up and Page Down keys move the
cursor up and down 10 lines respectively.
A unique way to move through the data base or find a particular
record is to type a letter or word from the keyboard while the
List Book Window is displayed. For example if the you typed the
letter C then the cursor will move to the first entry or closest
entry that starts with C. To move the cursor to another location
in the C list type another letter, for example U which would disp-
lay CU in the left lower corner of the window. The cursor would
move to the CU location in the data base. If Author was selected for
the index and you typed CRUISE, the cursor would move to Cruise in
the data base. To erase the letters displayed in the lower left
corner of the window press the Delete or Backspace key to erase the
characters. You can enter other characters to move about the data
base. For example enter the letter A to move to the top of the
data base, then press Delete to erase the character and enter Z to
move to the end of the data base.
There are several options available to change the List Book
Window. The options are displayed at the bottom of the window.
The options are (1) Brief, (2) Zoom (3) Resize and (4) move. The
options are explained below.
List Book Window Options:
(1) Brief - Limits display to only key fields. Can speed that rec-
ords are accessed when paging around data in the find window.
Press ALT 'B' to activate and deactivate.
(2) Zoom - List Book Window expands to full screen. Press ALT 'Z'
to activate and deactivate.
(3) Resize - Allows you to change the size of the window using the
arrow keys or mouse. You can only change the position of the bottom
and right side of the window. To activate press ALT 'R'.
(4) Move - Allows you to move the window using the arrow keys or
mouse. Press ALT 'M' to activate.
Note: If only one record in the Database matches the search string
entered then the record is displayed on the main data entry screen
and not in the find window.
Also pressing ENTER/RETURN when the cursor is over one of the records
in the List Book Window will display the book on the main data
entry screen.
================================= 10 ================================
The browse function works identically to the FIND function except
you can not enter a string to search for. The function lets you
browse through you database indexed by Title, Subject, Author or
Book Type. You should use this function if you just want to page
through your data without looking for a particular item.
The FIND function can only perform searches on one of the key fields.
The search function can perform searches on up to 10 fields, while
setting up specific search criteria using logical operators. When
the Search menu selection is chosen, the book Query Screen is
displayed along with the menu choices Edit, Recall Quit.
Edit allows you to fill-in the book Query Screen, Recall will
display previously saved selections and allows you to load them from
disk and fill in the book Query Screen. Quit will return you to
the main data entry screen.
There are four fields on the screen used to set up the search cri-
tiera: Field, Comparator, Value and LogOp.
Field Press ENTER/RETURN to pop up a pick list of fields
that can be tested. NOTE: There are 4 fields for Author,
Author_F, Author_L, and Author. For example you would
use Author_L if looking for a last name only match, ie
"Simon". Use Author to match a first and last name, ie
"Burt Simon".
Operator Press ENTER/RETURN to pop up a pick list or type in one
of the seven operators. This field defines the type of
test you want to make.
Value Enter the value to be compared/tested.
LogOp Select AND/OR from the pop up list to enter additional
selection criteria. Enter "END" and/or press F10 to
stop entering data.
The combination of a Field, an Operator and a Value forms the basic
selection criteria. When two basic criteria is joined together by
a LogOp, this forms a selection pair.
The program evaluates each selection pair separately and combines
them progressively from top to bottom to determine if each record
meets the selection criteria. You can enter up to five selection
pairs on the screen.
A screen identical to the data entry screen is displayed with the
prompt "****** Searching ******" at the bottom of the screen.
When a match is found the following menu is displayed: "Next, Edit,
Quit". The mouse does not work with this menu. Next starts the
search process again to find the next match. Edit functions the
same as on the data entry screen. Quit stops the search process
and returns to the data entry screen.
================================= 11 ================================
The report screen appears when Rpt is selected from the command
menu. On the screen is five menus which determine the type of
report, where to list the report, whether to list all or some of
the books, the index to use, and line spacing.
Upon arrival at the screen, the following menu is displayed:
Edit, Continue, Quit. Edit allows updating of the screen, Continue
will cause the report to be listed, Quit returns you to the data
entry screen.
Title A pre-formatted report that can be listed to the
screen, printer or text file. Report lists Title,
Author and Subject.
Author A pre-formatted report that can be listed to the
screen, printer or text file. Report lists Author,
Title and Subject.
Subject A pre-formatted report that can be listed to the
screen, printer or text file. Report lists Subject
Title, and Author.
Book Type A pre-formatted report that can be listed to the
screen, printer or text file. Lists Book Type,
Subject, Title and Author Last Name.
Valuation A pre-formatted report that can be listed to the
screen, printer or text file. Lists Title, ISBN,
Catalog#, Purchase Date, and Price. Totals value
of all books.
Comprehensive A pre-formatted report that can be listed only, to
a printer or text file. The report list all fields
in the database except for the memo field.
Index Cards Report listed on 3 X 5 continous form index cards.
Can not be listed to the screen. All fields are
listed except for memo field.
Custom You select the fields to place in report. Select-
ions are made using the Report Format Screen des-
cribed later.
Memo Prints all fields, plus the contents of the memo
field on a single sheet of paper.
Screen When selected the report is listed to your monitor.
Printer When selected the report is listed to your printer.
Disk When selected, you are prompted for a filename for
the text file. Do not add an extension. The pro-
gram adds the extension .TXT. The file created can
be edited by any wordprocessor capable of reading
ASCII text.
================================= 12 ================================
Yes List all books in the data file.
No When selected, you will set-up selection criteria using
the Query Screen to list the desired books.
Select the sort order in which you want your report listed. Choices
are Title, Author, Subject and Type. Selecting Title would cause
the report to be listed in alphabetical order by book title.
Select Single or Double to print the Title, Author, Subject, Type,
Valuation and Custom reports with single or double line spacing.
Spacing has no effect The Index Card and Comprehensive Reports.
When Custom report is selected from the Report Type Menu, the Report
Formatter screen is displayed after completing the current screen.
From this screen you select the fields to be included in your report
and how you want the fields formatted.
Print Field Enter the name of the field you want printed. Press
ENTER/RETURN while the field is blank for a pop up
list of fields to select from. Selecting Author
from the list will print last name, first name of
each. Choose L-MARGIN to set the size of the left
Field Width This is a display only field and you can not edit it.
it displays the number of characters the selected
field occupies.
Print Width This field allows you to specify the width in charac-
ters that you want the field to occupy on a line.
The number is added to the Line Width displayed at the
bottom of the screen.
Wrap(Y/N) Select YES(Y) when the Field Width is greater than the
Print Width and you want all the field information
printed. The extra characters will be wrapped to the
next line. The field information can occupy up to
three lines if wrap is used.
================================= 13 ================================
Wrap(Y/N) If you select NO(N) and the Field Width is greater
than the Print Width, the extra characters are deleted.
Selecting either YES or NO when the Field Width is
less than or equal to Print Width has no effect on
the printout.
Line Width Display only field. The field displays the width the
line will occupy as each Print Field and Print Width
is selected. NOTE: If the Line Width exceeds 79 for
screen reports or for standard carriage printers, the
report will not be formatted properly when listed. If
you have a wide carriage printer, the reports can be
up to 129 characters wide. The program prints the
reports in regular print and not in compressed print.
If you want to print long lines, I suggest you list
the report to a disk, and import the report into
your wordprocessor, format and print it out.
Wrap Example
This is a demonstration of the use and non use of Wrap on the Title
field. The Field Width for Title is 43, the selected Print Width is
25. The first line of the example below is with YES for Wrap and the
second is with NO for Wrap.
Title Author Subject
1. Logistics Engineering And Blanchard Management
2. Logistics Engineering And Blanchard Management
Book Librarian datafile indexes are contained in four index files,
*.K1, *.K2, *.K3, *.K4. The "*" symbol represents the
name of your datafile. Occasionly indexes become corrupted, that
is the index looses its relationship with the datafile from which
it was generated. One of the possible causes of corrupt index
files are loss of power or a sever power spike while operating the
program, or exiting the program without selecting *Quit* from the
Main Menu. One of the symptons of corrupted index files, is finding
your data out of order when using the find or browse screen.
Another symptom is the receiving various error messages, such as
"Duplicate Key", or "Unexpected End of File", etc.
You *do not* need to Re-Index your files periodically as some
programs require. Your index files are automatically maintained
and optimized by the program. The *only* time you should
Re-Index your files are when you have an indication that the
indexs are corrupted. However, Re-Indexing when not needed will
not hurt or help your files.
To start the Re-Index program, type BLFIX at the DOS prompt (ie)
the same place that you type BL to start Book Librarian. You
then select your file just like when you start Book Librarian.
================================= 14 ================================
We have granted you permission to fully evaluate this program for a
a period not to exceed 45 days. After 45 days you must register the
program or remove it from your computer system.
Since you may have forgot about the 45 day deadline or it may have
sneaked up on you, on day 46 or later you will receive a notice
granting you an extension of the evaluation period. This extension
will allow you to use the program fully 10 more times or for 21 more
days whichever occurs first. When you see this notice you should
contact us immediately to get the registered version before the
extension period expires.
Once the extension period expires, you will not be able to Add, Edit,
Copy or Delete data. You will not be able to access any of the file
menu items. The Search function is inoperative. You can still print
all reports, but you won't be able to use the query feature in reports
to limit output.
The only way to restore full operation of the program is to get a
registered disk from us through the mail. We cannot pass you any
codes via phone or e-mail to restore full operation of the program.